Monday, August 11, 2014

Last Day of Swim Lessons 7.3.13

After 6 lessons, Logan is showing so much improvement.  I watch him and just get so proud.  Part of me regrets on getting him in for lessons earlier, but my strong willed little man definitely needs to do things at his own pace and I think before this year, he simply would have baulked at anything asked of him.  As it is, over the last week and a half, he has shown so much improvement in trusting his instructor, getting his head wet/under water, and of course, actually swimming.  His coach did recommend that he has another session at this same level before he should move on, but for us, I think it's time to part ways with the YMCA.  As much as I appreciate Logan's growth, his instructor just did not provide much communication or feedback or simply interaction with the kids.  So, we will continue to practice on our own and next summer I believe we'll check out some new places.  I will say that Logan loved it.  Simply loved getting to spend time in the water everyday!!  And he too was awfully proud of his own growth!  :o)

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