For the past two years Logan has played soccer in the same town that his school is in, and it's been really fun. He plays with all his school mates, it's close to home, and it makes practices during the week easy to get to. This year Mike really wanted Logan to play up north in Mike's hometown as he felt like Logan was being pushed hard enough. I figured it was only fair as for the past two years Mike has had to travel down our way every Saturday for games and such. Unfortunately, the program was not very organized and while our local team started practicing weeks ago, we just had our first practice tonight with our first game only being 3 days away. :o( I really didn't feel like that was fair to the boys...they had no time to practice skills, let alone work on playing together as a team. Don't get me wrong, everyone is very nice and helpful and the kids are great, I'm just wondering how much Logan is really going to learn. Also, our local team is practicing twice a week while we will only have practice once a week and that means that Logan and I will have about a 30 minute drive after I pick him up from daycare on Wednesdays to have an hour long practice and then a 30 minute drive home. I really do hope that this is a great soccer year for Logan, I just have my doubts. Hopefully our team can come together and Logan can really get pushed the way Mike would like him to be to become the best little soccer player he can.

Soccer is a serious game.
Logan really liked this great game the coach had them play trying to get the ball from between another players feet.
Logan knew one other boy on the team...Ashton. He lives in the same neighborhood as Mike and Michelle.
Coach Ryan giving instruction to this great group of boys.
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