What a busy fun day! We started our morning by making cookies for Santa. We chose Snickerdoodles this year, and (if I do say so myself) they were awfully delicious. After cookies, we broke out the Gingerbread Boy. We decided to do a Gingerbread Boy this year instead of a Gingerbread House, gotta mix things up every now and then, right? Then it was time for a few family photos in front of the tree. From there, we were off to Mick and Cheryl's house for some celebrations with the family. Unfortunately, this year we were missing quite a few of our normal group because my uncle had to go to the hospital so all his kids and their kids went with him. Luckily, it was nothing major and he was able to come home the next day, but he was definitely on all our minds. Logan had a blast as usual with all the kids and I left feeling oh so very blessed. When we got home, we put out the milk, cookies and carrots and hurried to bed so Santa could come.

No Logan, you may not eat an entire stick of butter. Yuck.
Coating those cookies.
He was oh so very precise.
This is what our combined effort produced.
My family.
Aubrey and Logan.
Gigi with her custom made, Velcro in the back, Seahawks shirt.
New turtles for Logan.
A new Seahawks shirt and a beanie with built in headphones...AWESOME!!
The Seahawks Crew!
Merry Christmas Santa!
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