Boo. Oh what fun we had this Halloween! It's great when it lands on a Friday! We started the day with a Halloween party at Logan's school. That was awesome, to see all the kids (and some parents) dressed up! And there were so many Halloween activities and treats...SO FUN! Then it was off to downtown after school to trick or treat in all the participating shops. We had never trick or treated downtown before and it was awesome! We'll definitely do that again! We got to see and hang out with a lot of our friends and everyone was just so into it! Awesome! Then it was off to Bill and Jolene's, Elsie's, and Dad and Mom's. After getting spoiled there and having some lovely visits, it was off to Darrick and Anne's where we met up with the whole harem and trick or treated yet again. Gosh, I'm not sure Logan will have enough candy...yeah, right! After we trick or treated in the rain, we went back to Darrick and Anne's for dinner and games. All in all, I can't think of a better way to spend this awesome holiday! Happy Halloween everyone!!

Logan as Groot!
Come cute is that?
Loved the water bottles!
Look at all those mom's who dressed up!
Downtown trick or treating.
The boys annual picture at my folks.
A monster of cupcakes anyone?
The Harem gang ready to go trick or treating!
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