Sunday, November 1, 2015

Off to Disneyland 2.9.15

As my 40th birthday quickly approaches, Logan and I headed off to the happiest place on Earth!  My brother and my dear friends Darrick, Anne, Tommy, and Brady were all going to join us to help me celebrate turning the big 4-0.  But for today, it was just my boy and I, and man oh man were we happy to be back.  It was a great travel day.  In fact, on the airplane we even had the whole row we were in to ourselves. Then we got picked up at the airport and dropped off at our hotel.  We weren't going to go to Disneyland until the next day, so for the rest of our day we headed to Downtown Disney.  Had dinner, looked around, and enjoyed being in California.  It was the perfect way to start our vacation.

 Away we go!

 Cool fountain in Downtown Disney.
 The Lego Store!
 When we got there, we realized that we both forgot our sunglasses at home!  Yikes, what were we thinking!  So, our first stop was to pick up some shades...oh, and a Jamba Juice of course.
 Logan and I love The Rainforest this was dinner our first night.  Delicious!
One of the things I was most excited about was all the Frozen activities that were going to be available to such example was Olaf's ice rink.  We thought about doing it, but then decided it was a little too pricey, but it sure was cute!

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