Sunday, November 1, 2015

Birthday Celebration with Karen 1.24.15

Some birthday isn't until February 12th, however, because I am turning the big 4-0 this year, I decided that I wanted to celebrate my birthday at the Happiest Place on Earth!  So, since I wouldn't be here for my actual birthday, Karen arranged to take me out today!  What a fun afternoon and evening we had.  We headed to the big city, but of course, stopping for Starbucks along the way.  Once we got there we went shopping and it was SO fun!  We don't live next to these fun stores so it always feel like a treat when I can get into them.  But we weren't just going shopping...Karen's gift to me was my very own glassybaby candle holder.  If you don't know about glassybaby, you should look into them.  They're awesome!  After that, we picked up cupcakes from our favorite cupcake place and then it was off to dinner.  As we're headed into dinner, what do I hear, but, "Well, hello there!"  And I turn to see my dear friend Alysia!  WHAT?!?  Karen had contacted Alysia earlier and asked if she'd like to join us for dinner!  What an awesome surprise.  So, we ended the evening with a delicious meal and two of my dearest friends.  And it wasn't even my birthday yet!  Thank you ladies for a lovely day and evening.  I'm so lucky to have you in my life!

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