Sunday, November 1, 2015

Baseball Practice 3.14.15

Last year Logan was a little upset with me that I didn't sign him up for baseball.  I mean, don't get me wrong, when I asked him if he wanted to play, he said no, but somehow when all his friends started playing he was floored that he wasn't on the team.  Oh sweet Logan!  So, this year, I double and triple checked, and yes, he wanted to play.  And luckily he got put on a team with all his buddies, so he was very happy.  Today he had practice.  Here's what he took from it...he likes to run the bases, he gets bored when he's in the outfield, but doesn't want to play in the infield,  and doesn't really want to swing the bat and strike out...he'd much rather just hold still and hope the pitcher walks him. Should be an interesting season! ;o)

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